HTTEK has been providing investment consulting services for many the oil and gas projects in Vietnam with the various stages of the project such as Pre-feasibility study (Pre-FS), Feasibility Study (FS) and / or Economic – Technical Study Report etc… with the goal of bringing the customer satisfaction about the sustainability and effective investment.
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HTTEK is a service provider professional design consultancy in Vietnam for the oil and gas projects from Preliminary Design, Basic Engineering Design and / or Front-End Engineering Design to Detail Engineering Design for Condensate Processing Plant (CPP); Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Plant; Natural Gas Distribution Station and Pipeline; Oil Products Bulk Storage; LPG storage and filling station; LPG Pipeline, Oil products Pipeline; Oil Products Filling Station etc…
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HTTEK also engaged in providing project management consulting services specialized for oil and gas projects such as the consultancy service for bidding documents (BD), evaluation of Bids (bids), service support for project management during engineering design, procurement, and construction and pre-commissioning / commissioning.
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HTTEK are also planning training a team of engineers, skilled professionals specialized in the oil and gas industry to provide senior HR consultant for partners and investors in the process of implementation of the investment design issues involved as well as supporting the work of project management consultancy.
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